Lecuture Notes for Topics in Machine Learning
10/10 Introduction
- empty_R.ipynb
- 01LinearRegression.R.ipynb
- A note to run cells in R notebooks
10/17 No class
10/24 No class
10/31 Nearest Neighbor and Related Topics
- 02NearestNeighborBasicAlgorithm_R.ipynb
11/07 Decision Tree and Overfitting (tentative, to be shortened)
- 03DecisionTree_R.ipynb
11/14 No class
11/21 Bayesian Inference and naive Bayes (tentative, to be shortened) (Class room is General Research Building, S9-1, Room E205)
11/21 Naive Bayes (updated 2019/11/26 24:00)
- 04NaiveBayes_playtennis_R.ipynb (2019/11/26 24:00)
- TwentyNewsGroups_R.ipynb (2019/11/27 23:00)
11/28 Modelselection, AIC, and MDL (updated 2019/11/27 23:00)
12/05 Linear SVM (2019/11/27 24:00)
- Training/Validation/Test dataset (2019/12/03 23:00)
12/12 Non-Linear SVM and SVR (2019/12/03 23:00)
- Random Forest (2019/12/08 22:00)
- Laplace correction (2019/12/08 22:00)
12/19 Neural Networks: an Introduction (2019/12/17 15:30)
- Neural Networks exercise notebook: iris (2019/12/17 18:00)
- Neural Networks exercise notebook: banknote (2019/12/17 18:00)
01/09 MLP and related topics (2020/01/08 22:10)
- 2.1-a-first-look-at-a-neural-network.R (2020/01/08 17:20)
- 2.1-a-first-look-at-a-neural-network (2020/01/08 17:20)
01/16 ML, NLP, and others (2020/01/15 21:30)
- 3.4-classifying-movie-reviews.R (2020/01/08 17:20)
- 3.5-classifying-movie-reviews (2020/01/08 17:20)
01/23 Homework (2020/01/20 23:50)
- 5.1-introduction-to-convnets.R (2020/01/20 23:50)
- 5.2-using-convnets-with-small-datasets.R (2020/01/20 23:50)
- 5.3-using-a-pretrained-convnet.R (2020/01/20 23:50)
- 5.3-using-a-pretrained-convnet-svm.R (2020/01/23 08:00)
- 5.3-using-a-pretrained-convnet-MobileNet.R (2020/01/20 23:50)
- 5.1-introduction-to-convnets (2020/01/20 23:50)
- 5.2-using-convnets-with-small-datasets (2020/01/20 23:50)
- 5.3-using-a-pretrained-convnet (2020/01/20 23:50)
- 5.3-using-a-pretrained-convnet-MobileNet (2020/01/20 23:50)
01/23, 30 (the last class) Some notes (2020/01/22 20:00, 2020/01/30 12:30)
- 3.5-classifying-newswires.R (2020/01/08 17:20)
- 3.6-predicting-house-prices.R (2020/01/15 21:30)
- 4.4-overfitting-and-underfitting.R (2020/01/15 21:30)
- 3.6-classifying-newswires (2020/01/08 17:20)
- 3.7-predicting-house-prices (2020/01/15 21:30)
- 4.4-overfitting-and-underfitting (2020/01/15 21:30)
- 5.4-visualizing-what-convnets-learn.R (2020/01/30 12:30)
- 5.4-visualizing-what-convnets-learn (2020/01/30 12:30)
**/** Introduction to Deep Neural Networks
- R notebooks (in "Deep Learning with R") modified to run in Google Colab environment
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